Flower Power
A "feel good" story for easily-gulled infidels who know nothing--nothing!--about Islam. From the Ceeb, of course:
About a dozen young Muslims stood outside at [Montreal's] Phillips Square on Saturday, handing out single roses to passersby.
The roses, given out to mark the recent anniversary of Prophet Mohammad’s birth, were a subtle gesture of goodwill meant to spread the message that the Islamic faith is a peaceful one.
“We want to show to the world that [Islam] is not a bad religion. It’s not, like, terrorists; everybody thinks that but we are not. I’m like everybody in the world. I’m a human,” said Massouma Al-Bahely, one of the organizers of the event.
This is the second year in a row that members of Muslim Youth Montreal have given out roses.
It also coincides with the second annual World Hijab Day.
And, of course, you can always find a willing Jew to validate the nonsense:
McGill University professor Daniel Weinstock specializes in political philosophy. He said gestures like this do help, but also have a limited audience.
“Nobody should have to be put in the positions that Muslims are put in today, which is have to remind people that at the end of the day there are just like everybody else,” Weinstock said.
Just like everybody else--except for the supremacism written into Islam's core texts, of course, and the fact that the vast majority of observant Muslims, whether they live in Canada or in, say, Saudi Arabia, take such teachings literally.
Wait till someone discovers that celebrating the 'Birth of Mohammed' is an 'innovation', and thus forbidden.