Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Sad, Sick Joke of "Human Rights" in Our Time: Iran's Terroristic Revolutionary Guard Sponsor a Report on "Human Rights" Violations--in the U.S.

I'm wondering if they can somehow shoehorn this one into Canada's "human rights" edifice:
Unveiling of report on violations of human rights in USA in 2013, sponsored by the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) Basij Mobilization Resistance Force was held on Monday at the auditorium of the College of Laws and Political Sciences of the University of Tehran and the two speakers at it were the representatives of the judiciary and legislative forces.

The report included facts an figures on violations of human rights in US prisons in 2013, including the one in Guantanamo, and sexual abuse of the female officers in the US army both at home and during their missions aboard. 
Clearly, irony is lost on these thugs.

Update: Speaking of Khomeinist thugs, in Ontario, apparently, it's okay (i.e. not an official "hate crime") for a Zion-loathing Khomeinist at a large public gathering to call for Jews to be shot on sight. (Given that green light, the next Al Quds Day seethe-a-thon at Queen's Park is sure to be a real humdinger of hate.)

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