Sunday, February 2, 2014

The "Sham" of Jihad Highlighted in New Study About Indonesian Young'uns Waging Holy War in Syria

It's all about the "end of time," don't ya know:
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) -  The report said the Indonesian militants have traveled to Syria to help extremist groups trying to create an Islamic state there.
The report by the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict, based in Jakarta, said that the Syrian conflict, approaching its third anniversary in March, had “captured the imagination of Indonesian extremists in a way no foreign war has before.” 
“The enthusiasm for Syria is directly linked to predictions in Islamic eschatology that the final battle at the end of time will take place in Sham, the region sometimes called Greater Syria or the Levant, encompassing Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Israel,” the report said. 
Sidney Jones, the institute’s director, said the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, based on information from the Syrian government, estimated that at least 50 Indonesians had traveled to Syria via Turkey to take up arms since 2012. While she emphasized that the figure was “a guesstimate,” the report warned that the numbers could increase. 
As many as 11,000 foreign fighters have poured into Syria by way of the Middle East and North Africa. The fighters include radicalized young Muslims with Western passports from Europe, North America and Australia...
From the Jewish perspective, the worst thing about those "end times" is that Jewry will have to be wiped out as a prelude to and a precondition for the messianic era. Looking on the bright side, at that stage Israel will no longer have to put up with John Kerry's "peace-making" antics. Man, is that guy a noodge.

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