Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Desperate to Sell O-Care to the Young'uns, Obama Subjects Himself--and the White House--to the Indignity of a Galifianakis Grilling

How low can you--i.e. he--go? Think "I'm digging a hole to China" low:
Comedian Zach Galifianakis welcomed President Obama for a roast on his irreverent Funny or Die show “Between Two Ferns,” as the President tries to reach a younger audience for Obamacare.
Galifianakis veered into taboo topics like Obama’s lame duck presidency, the birther conspiracy, and his nerd-like demeanor...
Three minutes into the awkward banter, the President turned the conversation to Obamacare.
“I wouldn’t be with you here today if I didn’t have something to plug, have you heard of the Affordable Care Act?” Obama asked.
“That’s the thing that doesn’t work?” the actor quipped.
Galifianakis interviewed Obama in front of a black screen, between shrubberies, but at the end the curtain fell down to reveal that the pair was actually seated in the White House Diplomatic Room...
How embarrassing--for Obama and the American people. They must endure the shame of having yet another Democratic president (in the "august" tradition of JFK and his on-site satyriasis and Bill "B.J." Clinton's Oval Office Lewinsky antics) for whom nothing, including the White House, is sacred.

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