Saturday, March 8, 2014

Globe and Mail "Deep Thinker" Doug Saunders Is Adamant that Islam and Muslim Immigration Pose No Threat Whatsoever to Canada

Professor Salim Mansur, Saunders's opponent in the debate, could not disagree more:
"Canadians’ mistaken notion that all cultures are equal has disarmed this nation in the confrontation with the illiberal demands of radical Islam," he fired, noting he was "drawing upon – as an immigrant, as a person of color and as a Muslim – inside knowledge of and lived experience in the cultures of both liberal democracy and Islam."  
"A liberal-democratic society based on individual rights, freedom, and the rule of law cannot indefinitely accommodate non-liberal or illiberal demands from immigrant groups without subverting its own culture," Mansur noted. He then identified three risk factors: the rise in birthrates among the Muslim community, the nature of Muslim culture and its relationship to non-Muslim cultures, and the West's multiculturalism.  
Statistics cited by the professor include proof that the foreign-born population in Canada has become predominantly non-Western since 1967, especially in major city centers, and that the Muslim immigrant population is growing four times faster than other immigrant populations.  
As a culture, Mansur stressed, Islam became a "rigid, closed system" during the 14th century, as a result of a heavy Bedouin influence. Mansur maintains that early Islam found Bedouin culture "savage" - but it nonetheless prevailed. 
"The full face of this Bedouin-ized Islamic culture that has wrecked the diversity of the Muslim world from within is to be seen in the bigotry, violence, vulgarity and misogyny of Al Qaeda, the Taliban, the Khomeini followers," Mansur noted. "It is the nature of mainstream contemporary Muslim politics – or Islamism – to conform to the Bedouin disposition."  
This disposition, Mansur claimed, characterizes contemporary Islamic values - even in immigrant communities. The things heard in Canadian mosques are "intractably opposed to liberal democracy," and aim to "ruin from within" Canadian and Western values, according to the Professor...
I know, I know, Salim is still differentiating between Islam and Islamism. Nevertheless, he is much more on the ball about the issue that the unflappable Doug Saunders (who seems to be making a full time career out of "no jihad to see here; best move along now") is.

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