Thursday, March 13, 2014

Here's a Chilling Thought: Will Kermit the Frog, Who Just Visited the White House, Be Galifianakinized for the Sake of Selling Failing O-Care?

In these Fear or Die days,  nothing would surprise me. And one can see why, in its desperation, the Obama team would want to try to sell 'em on Obamacare when they're young.

Really young.

Sesame Street young.

To that end, don't be shocked if you hear the most famous Muppet of all singing this on a fingers-crossed-it-goes-viral video:

Why don't they have any
Songs about O-care
And why it's the greatest scheme?
O-care's for helpin',
And O-care's for hopin',
And O-care is not a dream.
So you've been told by Jay-C and Sibelius:
Those two you know wouldn't lie.
Someday you'll have it
That O-care protection,
And O-care won't ever die.

I know the uninsured are thrilled to receive it
(And lots--shhh!--have lost their docs now.)
Don't crunch the numbers,
Remain in your slumbers,
As Bart says, "Don't have a cow."
Repeat these words: "pre-existing conditions,"
So you won't feel sad and mad.
Someday you'll have it
That O-care protection
And won't know that you've been had...

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