Tuesday, March 4, 2014

"Inclusiveness" and Identity Politics, Liberal-Style

One of Premier Kathleen Wynne's ministers has gotten himself into hot water over comments about the Harper government supposedly favoring da Joooos:
TORONTO - Ontario Tourism, Culture and Sport Minister Michael Chan should immediately resign his cabinet position and undertake training to better represent all ethnic groups, Progressive Conservative MPP Gila Martow says.
In an article in a Chinese-language newspaper, Chan questioned the amount of attention Prime Minister Stephen Harper was paying to the Jewish community. He urged voters in the Feb. 13 Thornhill provincial byelection to send a message by voting for Liberal candidate Sandra Yeung Racco, who was born in Hong Kong...
So let me get this straight: Chan chides the Tories for supposedly favoring Jewry while he, a Liberal, would favour the Chinese candidate and the Chinese community, of which he, of course, is a member.

Nothing wrong with that, right, Premier Wynne?
Chan has already apologized to leaders in the Jewish community for any offence, Wynne said. 
No MPP is more committed to inclusion and multiculturalism than Chan, she added. 
“My understanding is that the minister commended Stephen Harper for supporting one of Ontario’s strong cultural communities and simply suggested that that support be broadened to support all communities,” Wynne insisted. “That is our position, and we are not a party that wants to divide people.” 
"Commended"? What drugs is she smoking?

As for her party not wanting to divide people, isn't that precisely what multiculturalism does--divide people into cultural/identity groups, thereby fracturing society instead of engendering cohesion?

Update: Fuggedabout his playing the race card. Chan should resign over this:
TORONTO - The Progressive Conservatives demanded the resignation of the Ontario cabinet minister in charge of the 2015 Pan American Games in Toronto on Monday after it was announced security costs for the event had jumped by $33 million. 
While Tourism Minister Michael Chan was assuring the legislature the Games were on time and on budget, the government announced the estimated costs of security will increase to $239 million from the last estimate of $206 million. The original cost of security built into the Toronto 2015 Pan Am budget was $113 million. 
"Security is evolving, and that file will evolve right up to the Games," Chan said...
"Evolving," is it? What a perfect euphemism for Liberal corruption, waste and mismanagement. The way the Liberal government has squandered our money on nutty, impractical schemes over the years is indeed "evolving." It's a wretched work-in-progress that will go on and on until Ontarians reject this sort of "evolution" and finally pull the plug.

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