Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Dumbest Thing Said (So Far) at Ezra Levant's Libel Trial: Canada's "Human Rights" System Is "Normal"

Khurrum Awan's lawyer 'splains what his lawsuit against Ezra Levant is all about. Levant's "libelous" comments re Awan were made, says legal eagle Brian Shiller, "in the context of Levant trying to discredit human rights tribunals, which the host refers to as kangaroo courts." Furthermore,
"It's not about the truth," Shiller said in his opening statement to Ontario Superior Court Judge Wendy Matheson. "It's about denormalizing human rights commissions and the roadkill is Mr. Awan."
Dead sock in the middle of the road?

In fact, it is about the truth--the truth that it is not normal for freeborn citizens to submit to the authority of a bogus "court" in which there is no presumption of innocence, no consistent rules and where there's a "judge" who is some "human rights" hack bureaucrat who evinces the same commitment to Western concepts of fair comment and free speech as, say, the pigs in Orwell's Animal Farm.

Khurrum Awan and others think it's normal for someone in a position of authority to decide what people can and cannot say; others, like Levant and Steyn, believe that that may work fine in places like Saudi Arabia, but that the last thing we need here in Canada is a version of the Wahhabis' anti-blasphemy police, even if our thought cops are decked out in pretty "human rights" commission halos.

It's supposed to be "the true north strong and free," dammit, not the fake north weak and enslaved. That being so, our "human rights" apparatus is an aberration, and a bloody dangerous and embarrassing one at that.


  1. Given that Mr Awan is "roadkill", we need to ensure he is spread properly thin so as to dry properly for the benefit of the scavengers.


  2. "Khurrum Awan and others think it's normal for someone in a position of authority to decide what people can and cannot say"
    Yes, it is normal. It's called "the norm". It's what people in general consider reasonable.
