Monday, March 3, 2014

The Madness of Campus Zionhass: Palestinian Terrorists Invited to Spread the Word About "Israeli Apartheid"

From the CJN:
With the 10th Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) underway, Jewish groups are condemning the decision by IAW organizers to include messages from two convicted Palestinian terrorists in their programming on Canadian campuses.  
The organizers of IAW, an annual series of anti-Israel events held in cities around the world, have chosen to feature Black September airline hijacker Leila Khaled and convicted terrorist Samer Issawi.  
Of course, Leila isn't there in her guise as a terrorist but as a committed feminist and Marxist:
On March 6 and 7, IAW organizers will screen a pre-recorded video message by Khaled at a lecture called, “Towards our liberation: Women leading anti-imperialist movements,” at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Surrey, B.C., and at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, respectively.  
Yes, because it's so gosh-darned "liberating" to blow up large passenger jets, as Leila did back in the day:
As a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Khaled was convicted in Israel for her role in the hijacking of TWA Flight 840 from Rome to Athens in 1969. Although none of the hostages were seriously harmed, the hijacked aircraft was blown up.  
Since Samer isn't a chick, he can't play the feminist card, but he's big into "liberation," too.
On March 7, Issawi, who was first convicted by Israel in 2002 for being a member of a terrorist organization – the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine – and for possession of explosives and attempted murder, will appear at an event at the University of Toronto’s Mississauga (UTM) campus, either via Skype or pre-recorded video...
Update: Enough already with the Israeli apartheid canard:
IAW likes to think of its activities as promoting human rights. In fact, its advocates are the ideological inheritors of a modern libel—that Zionism and apartheid are the same—that was deliberately manufactured to oppress Soviet Jews, at the behest of a state that murdered millions of people in its gulags. This is the company that Israeli Apartheid Week keeps, and it is time—as a Marxist might say—to toss the event into the garbage can of history.
You can thank the Ruskies for that "warrant for genocide," The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, too.

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