Monday, March 3, 2014

The Polar Vortex That Is Obama's "Friendship"

Michael Ledeen writes:
As I’ve asked many times, if Obama were determined to weaken America, to favor the cause of our enemies and put our friends and allies at maximum risk, how would those policies differ from the ones he has adopted? 
Well?  Maybe someone will ask Prime Minister Netanyahu, whose arrival in America today was greeted with an ultimatum from Obama:  do what I say, turn over more land to the Palestinians, or we’ll abandon you to your enemies.
Brrrrr. With ice-cold "friends" like Barry, who needs hot-headed Muslim eliminationists?

Update: How cold is Obama? He's as cold as a March windchill warning in Toronto.

Update: In strongest language possible, Obama warns that Israel could face bleak future if peace talks fail.

Also if "peace" talks succeed (ba dum pum).

Update: A poem for the ratfink:

There once was a POTUS named Barry
And of him I would be very wary.
Threw the Joooos 'neath the bus
Without too much fuss
Because they were tough and contrary.

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