Saturday, March 8, 2014

What's Wrong With Us, In a Nutshell

David Solway's list is pretty comprehensive:
...The canard of “green energy,” the massive “climate change” scam that has co-opted vast segments of the Western public, the relentless advance of blasphemy laws putting a chill on freedom of speech and debate, courts declaring that truth is no defense in cases where offense is given, the campaign against the unborn (abortion on demand) and, in some countries, the elderly (selective euthanasia), the politicized university as a locus of indoctrination rather than learning, the sentimental empowerment of the transgendered and the two-spirited who must be accorded every social benefit as if they represented the quintessence of human progress, the successful feminist war against common manhood, the setting in place of redistributive economics as a form of legalized theft, open-door immigration policies for illegal aliens or members of primitive, antithetical cultures—all these developments are signs of rampant and likely terminal intellectual and social decay.
One more thing: I find that ice cream isn't as good as it used to be.


  1. Yup. Solway nails it. A more pithy rendering of his thesis is given by the famous line of Yeats' "The Second Coming": "The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity."
