Monday, March 10, 2014

Zion-Loathers Hold a Summit in D.C.--and C-SPAN Broadcasts It!

The National Press Club, in Washington, D.C., hosted a first-ever conference called the “National Summit to Reassess the U.S. – Israel ‘Special Relationship,’” which is now being re-broadcast on C-Span
The conference on Friday echoed many of the controversial themes of the Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer book on ‘The Israel Lobby.’ Walt was a speaker on one of its panels. 
The program included sessions, such as “How does the Israel lobby influence Congress?”, “Does Israel and its lobby exercise too much influence on U.S. decisions to wage war in the Middle East?”, “Does the ‘special relationship’ transcend rule of law?”, “History: How did the ‘special relationship’ come to be?”, “Has the lobby captured political parties and news media?”, and “Is Israel really a U.S. ally?” 
C-Span broadcast speeches by former Illinois congressman Paul Findley, who served from 1961 to 1983, and wrote the book, “They Dare to Speak Out,” about his experience criticizing Israel, among other policy wonks and journalists known for writing about Zionist conspiracies, such as Stephen Sniegoski, columnist for Veteran News Now, who wrote, “Transparent Cabal.”
Here's an overtly sarcastic poem for the Sniegster:

Stephen says there's a clear-cut "cabal,"
A charge that ain't loopy at all.
Henry Ford, heck, believed it,
And Hitler perceived it,
And they weren't at all off the wall.

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