Sunday, March 2, 2014

Zionhass Rears Its Ugly Head in D.C. as Hezbo Supporters Hoist Their Flag Outside the AIPAC Confab

Internationally designated terrorist group Hezbollah was represented outside the AIPAC policy conference in Washington, D.C. on Sunday, by two Americans waving its flag.
While a small group of protesters were waving Palestinian Authority flags and holding placards condemning Israel, as at some other public Jewish and Israeli events, AIPAC delegates said they were horrified to see the Hezbollah flag, which is a rare sight.
Pointing to the band of protesters at the convention center entrance, Ilan Weinglass, Executive Director of the American Center for Democracy & Economic Warfare Institute, said, “What they’re doing over there is legal, First Amendment, fine, but this is different.”
“Hezbollah is a terrorist organization, which is not legal, and while waving their flag might not be illegal, it is certainly something we should worry about,” Weinglass said. “Waving their flag can be like a gateway to taking part in real terror, and that we must object to.”
The two young men carrying the flags were not Lebanese, but American, and while they declined to be interviewed, one made a comment when asked why he chose to recreate, apparently with magic marker on yellow cloth, the Hezbollah flag.
“Well you know, it’s the only real answer that Israel understands,” the Hezbollah flag waiver said...
In another era the Nazi flag would have had the same impact. So, yeah, homemade Hezbo flag-maker, Israel does understand your symbolism.

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