Monday, May 5, 2014

Economically Floundering Spain and Portugal Invite Expelled Jews (But Not Muslims) to Return--and Zion-Despising Scribbler Robert Fisk Is Bewildered By It All

Pinky Fiskadero notes that:
...the so-called “generous” offer from Spain and Portugal is not being made for reasons of conscience, but because Jews are “good with money” and will help the economies of these two bankrupt nations. “This is a decision based on economic need,” he writes.  
“And that is why no invitation was extended to Muslims. The return of Muslims would mean that tens of millions [sic] of people could claim citizenship but they would not be bringing in money.” This is a bit odd. Tens of thousands of Muslims are extremely wealthy and could also bring large sums of money to Spain and Portugal. Spanish Muslim groups have long campaigned for citizenship rights for the descendants of Muslims who were expelled or forced to convert at the same time as the Jews. No, the real reasons for their racism is that our cousins in Madrid and Lisbon simply don’t want Muslims to come to Europe, let alone become citizens. And they can rely on the fact that very few Jews who take up their offer, many now living in America as well as Israel, will actually come to live in Spain. Muslims might well do so.
Maybe an invitation to Muslims isn't forthcoming not because of "racism" but because of fears of importing the sort of by-the-book Islam which results in young men being inspired to blow up urban infrastructure and large passenger planes.

Just a hunch, mind you.


  1. The Muslims are already back in Spain, they didn't have to invite them.

  2. True. And more than a few of them believe Al Andalus remains the property of Islam. I wouldn't expect Fisk, a notorious apologist for Islam, to acknowledge it, though.
