Thursday, May 8, 2014

Klavan on the (Totalitarian) Culture

A close relative of mine recently opined that "Obama is brilliant."

Now, there's a conversation stopper if I've ever heard one. (I wanted to say, "Yeah, he's a freaking genius," but for the sake of "shalom bayit" I held my tongue.)

In line with the O-is-brilliant remark, Andrew Klavan cheekily channels other leftist received wisdom/mishegas/totalitarian memes here:
The debate is over!  The science is settled!  Any other point of view in this day and age is hateful.  It’s racism straight up.  It’s like the civil rights movement never happened!  It’s a war on women.  Women in this country are under fire as if this were a war.  It’s Islamophobic too.  And as for gays...  well, the debate is over.  The time for talking is past.  The experts have reached a consensus. We’ve come too far to go back now.  The people have decided.  The toothpaste is out of the tube.  We’re not going to return to the bad old days.  Sure, there are some who insist on being anti-science.  There are people who are still clinging to their Bibles and their guns.  I don’t know why they’re working so hard to keep folks from having health insurance.  They want to put y’all back in chains.  They want to put women in binders.  Don’t they know this is the 21st century? The debate is over.  If you disagree, well, you are not welcome here.  We’ll sue.  We’ll boycott.  We’ll get you fired.  We’ll revoke your invitation to speak.  Because we support diversity.  So get on the bandwagon.  Fall in line.  The debate is over.  It’s over!  O for o.  Ver for ver.  Over... 

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