Thursday, May 1, 2014

Mark Steyn Comments on the Folly of an Ex-Big Deal Official Jew

Re a rancid tweet, Steyn writes:
Just when you think Bernie Farber, bigtime censorship zealot and former head honcho of the Canadian Jewish Congress, can't get any smaller, he does. In a world in which the US Secretary of State thinks nothing of slurring Israel as an "apartheid" state, the Prime Minister of Canada is the best friend the Jewish state has. But Farber can't resist a cheap and vulgar crack (it is one of the paradoxes of our world that you can't say "bossy" or "man up" but you can say "shit" and "fuck" all you want). 
The photoshop of which he is so proud imposes Stephen Harper on the current formal portrait of Her Majesty as Queen of Canada, and wearing her medals as Sovereign of the Order of Canada, which Bernie desperately wants to get in on, and of the Order of Military Merit, which may be a stretch even for him. I don't mind people sneering at the Queen - Quebec separatists do it all the time, and so do Aussie republicans and Guardian columnists and all kinds of other folk. But it's a strange thing for a creep like Bernie, who wasn't above accepting Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee medal, and is so pleased with it he uses the photograph of him getting it on his Twitter page, the self-same Twitter page where he pisses all over her. 
It would be nice to think he'd be principled enough to give it back, but don't hold your breath. By the way, re John Kerry's "apartheid" crack, "Israeli Apartheid Week" is Bernie Farber's gift to the world. It started in 2005 in Toronto on his watch - while the cardboard warrior was too busy pursuing phantom enemies through the thought-crime division of the Canadian "Human Rights" Commission.
As one of the "bully bloggers" who so irks the man (see, for instance, this and this), I am delighted to pay him this rhyming "tribute":

"Bully bloggers" are doggin' his tail.
It's something they do without fail,
Claims a chap who is fully
A far bigger bully
(Since their words he so longs to curtail).

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