Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Buh Bye, Hockey Stick Graph. Hullo, "Human-Caused Climate Change," the Musical

Climate change alarmists are changing their alarmism tactics to include an assault on cul-chuh:
Julia Slingo, a scientist with the U.K’s national weather service, “has called for a radical overhaul of the way climate scientists go about their business, arguing that they need to make their reports less turgid and more engaging,” The Independent reports. 
“We have to look increasingly at what society requires of us …,” Slingo said recently to a gathering of leading climate change scientists. “We increasingly recognize that to reach the general public we have to use all sorts of different channels of communication. 
“And it’s not through tables and graphs. Sometimes it is through art, through music, through poetry, and storytelling and that is increasingly something we have to think about – how we communicate in a more humanist way.” 
Slingo called for a groundswell of “citizen science” in which everyday people use social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to “document” what they see happening in the natural world around them.

It’s the global warming alarmists’ attempt to build a “bottom-up” movement...
How can it be a "bottom-up" movement when it takes its marching orders from a climate change science elite?

FYI, here's one of my favorite humanistic climatology songs:

Here's another one:

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