Sunday, June 15, 2014

Iran's "Moderate" Rouhani to the West: You've Been Outfoxed

Rouhani crows triumphantly:
Iran's President Hassan Rouhani says the international sanctions regime has crumbled and will not be rebuilt even if Iran and world powers fail to reach a final nuclear deal by a July 20 deadline. 
Rouhani told a press conference Saturday that it is still possible to reach a comprehensive accord before the deadline and that his government will in any case remain committed to its policy of constructive interaction.
"If we can't reach a final agreement in negotiations by July 20... Conditions will never go back to the past. The sanctions regime has been broken," Rouhani said...
"Constructive interaction"--that's Ayatollah-speak for: "We get everything we want--no sanctions and no significant consequences for constructing nukes. And  you get to 'interact' with us at shmancy international confabs that amount to nothing more than photo ops and window dressing."

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