Monday, June 2, 2014

John Bolton 'Splains BHO's Nullification of American Exceptionalism

The former UN ambassador is not impressed:
Now, let’s parse this sentence, which is classic Obama.  In the first third, he says — yeah, I believe in American exceptionalism.  So all those people who say that I don’t are wrong.  But then, in the second two thirds of the sentence, he takes it back by referring to the British and Greek views. 
You know, there are 193 countries in the United Nations.  And he certainly could’ve gone on — just as the Papua New Guineans believe in Papua New Guinean exceptionalism – 
– just as the Burkina Fasians believe in Burkina Fasian exceptionalism. 
The point’s clear.  If everybody’s exceptional, then nobody’s exceptional.  And that’s what he really thinks.
What he really thinks is that he's exceptional. And he is--but not in a good way.

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