Friday, June 6, 2014

Patrick Martin's Sham "Ambiguity"

The G&M's man in the Middle East (who is not what you would call Israel-friendly) detects "ambiguity" in Canada's reaction to the "new" Palestinian "unity" government:
Even Canada, Israel’s strongest backer under the government of Stephen Harper, quietly made an ambiguous statement reaffirming its position that Hamas is “a listed terrorist organization under Canadian law” but that Canada would deal with a Palestinian government that “renounces terrorism and recognizes Israel’s right to exist,” which the unity government has done.
That doesn't sound "ambiguous" to me, Patrick. That sounds pretty damn definite. Because, while Abbas may have spoken the requisite taqiyyah re Israel's right to be, Hamas, the Tweedledum to his Tweedledee, has never renounced terrorism or amended its genocidal Charter (and never will), something which the Harper government well knew when it issued this robustly non-ambiguous statement.

Update: The great Caroline Glick writes that
Hamas will have veto power over many of the Palestinian Authority’s governing decisions, so there will be no negotiations, no recognition, no cessation of terror assaults and no peace with Israel with this Palestinian government. Then again, none of these things was forthcoming with Abbas at the helm at any time.
As for Abbas, by signing the deal, he gets to deploy a ceremonial force to Gaza that will enable him to tell willfully credulous Americans that he is now in charge of Gaza, so they should feel comfortable giving him more taxpayer funds.
A win-win situation for the aging PLO kleptocrat, no?

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