And inviting a noted Zion-loather and former "guest" of General Sisi to share his thoughts on the subject of Palestinian health--what could be better?
Grinch that I am, though, I'd be remiss if I failed to point out that while the hospital may be able to make some headway healing young bodies in those territories (only one of which is partially "occupied"), it can do little to heal minds indoctrinated to despise and want to do away with Jews and Israel.
Update: Sick Kids' Palestine thingy is partnered with Islamic Relief Canada, which, according to intrepid digger and invaluable anti-jihad blogger Point de Bascule, has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.
Update: This promo for the event shows two adorable Arab moppets in front of Jerusalem's Dome of the Rock.

Is it reading too much into the above to say that Pearls for Palestine aficionados are looking forward to the day when "Al Quds" is retaken for Islam?
I think they missed the part where the Arab children go to Israeli hospitals for treatment, because the funding for the Arab hospitals is rebudgeted for Hamas activities and PA official businesses.
Funny how that part of the story gets left out at these affairs. ;)