Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Brits Have the Right Idea for Dealing With "Youts" Who Run off to Wage Jihad in Syria; The French Don't

The Brits' message to the zealous lads: if you run off to Syria to fight for Allah, you forfeit your citizenship:
Why had [French-born Brussels Jewish Museum shooter] Nemmouche even been allowed to return to France after his stay in Syria? Britain strips immigrants holding dual nationality, who go to Syria to fight, of their British nationality. This act allows the British authorities to ban them from re-entering the country or have them expelled after their return them when the authorities have proof that they went to Syria to fight. "Citizenship is a privilege, not a right, and the home secretary will remove British citizenship from individuals where she feels it is conductive to the public good to do so," the British authorities stated last December. 
Why have the French not done the same?
Good question. Here's another: Why has Canada not done the same?

Update: You can expect more Nemmouches to murder Jews in Europe.

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