Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Brussels Museum Slayings and the Limits of Holocaust "Lessons"

Jews tend to think/hope that educating people about the Shoah is the magic bullet that will prevent another genocide from arising. Alas, they are wrong. Here's Andrew Bostom with an example of officials--including an Official Jew--who, for reasons of political correctness and/or willful blindness, don't "get" that today's Jew-hate (or Zionhass) is part and parcel of an animus embedded in core Islamic texts (Bostom's bold):
Consistent with the debased, cultural relativist Pavlovian conditioning about Islam which prevails throughout Europe, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve opined that pious Muslim Nemmouche’s lethal rampage, targeting Jews, had “nothing to do with Islam.” World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder, addressing the media after commemorative prayers for the slain Jews in Brussels, suggested ruefully—if perversely—that somehow Nemmouche’s jihadist executions revealed a lack of understanding about The Holocaust, and pleaded for more education on the subject: 
I understand more and more that the lessons of the Holocaust are not being taught because too often people say, “Well, how about the Palestinians?” They’re all difficult problems, but the Holocaust was something very, very special, special here in Belgium and special throughout Europe. And I think it’s important that this whole thing starts with education.
If only it were that simple. What's really needed is an "education" in jihad and Islamic supremacism so that people will understand that the threat faced by Israel, the canary in the coal mine, is the same one faced by all infidels living in Dar al Harb.

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