Friday, July 4, 2014

Hamas Revives Old Time Blood Libel to Account for Murder of Arab Teen

We still don't know who's behind the murder. Could be Jews; could be Muslims. Hamas, however, is certain it's in keeping with the Jews' practice of kidnapping a juicy non-Jew and using his blood to moisten their matzah batter:
The unjust world – from the US and the EU to the president of the Palestinian Authority – greatly lamented the death of the three settlers, but it does not lament the death of the Palestinian boy Abu Khdeir, since he belongs to the group whose blood is not [considered] sacred, according to the international community's classification of human, ethnic and political groups, which places Israel high on the ladder and the Palestinians low. The international community's double standard regarding Israeli and Palestinian blood revives the heritage of the Nazi theory. The Jews, with their criminal behavior, adopt the vision of Hitler, which was based on classifying people into superior races, like the Aryan race, versus inferior races, like the blacks, Arabs and Jews, [and held that] the superiority of the white race over all other peoples entitles it to many absolute rights, such as the right to rule over other peoples. 
Similarly, we see that Israel believes that the superiority of the Jewish race endows it with the absolute right to occupy, build settlements, take vengeance and spill blood. That is how they baked their sacred bread in the past, and that is how they hold their sacred rites of vengeance in the present, whose victim [this time] was the boy Abu Khdeir.     
Similarly, we see that Islamic supremacists believe that the Allah-decreed superiority of Islam endows them with the absolute right to occupy and rule over, well, the whole frikkin' globe. Thus do the Jew-haters project their own savagery and derangements onto the objects of their derision. Always have; always will.

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