Tuesday, July 8, 2014

How Political Correctness Enables Zionhass, the Jew-Hate of Our Time

Ezra Levant writes re last week's riot outside the vipers' nest that is Mississauga's Palestine House:
But if you squinted your eyes a bit, Toronto’s riot would look a lot like the streets of Germany in the mid-1930s. Before the Second World War started, Nazis did much of their “work” through paramilitaries, including one called the S.A. (the precursor to the S.S.).
It was a combination of political activists, street gangs, hooligans and thrill-seekers. They were the brownshirts who did Hitler’s dirty work.
That’s what this riot looked like. Even the Palestinian flags, when used to beat people, looked a bit like the Nazi swastika. Both have bold red, white and black colours. That, plus the anti-Semitic shouting. And the police standing by.
But the mainstream media – and our police – have a soft spot for Muslim anti-Semitism. It would simply be too politically incorrect to arrest Muslims. If the anti-Semitic swears were made by white, neo-Nazi skinheads, they would have entered the fray on horseback, billy clubs swinging, and filled the paddy wagons.
But Muslims fascists? Hear no evil, see no evil, broadcast no evil. And prosecute no evil. 
And the difference between political correctness and abject dhimmitude is...? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

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