Saturday, July 5, 2014

Palestine House Denizens Have a Novel Use for the Canadian Flag

They use it to thwack and attack Jews. And speaking of flags...

Update: Kathy Shaidle has three Sun News videos about the riot. It is particularly worrisome that police stood around and did not arrest any of the violent jihadis (police did, however, arrest one really "scary" non-Muslim wearing Bermuda shorts); that we have imported--and continue to allow the immigration of--so many Arabs who have brought along their pathological Zionhass; that Palestine House seems to be the mothership of so many of the crazies.

Update: Of course, the Shia zanies over at Zafar Bangash's rag see things a bit differently:
JDL thugs turn violent against Canada's Palestine House
If anyone harbors any illusions that the Zionist thugs are peaceful, they should have seen the thugs from the so-called Jewish Defence League (JDL), Israel's storm troopers in Canada, in action yesterday. They assaulted Palestinians at Palestine House, just as Zionist occupiers assault and murder Palestinians in Occupied Palestine. The group is banned in the US as a terrorist outfit but not in Canada. 
Toronto, Crescent-online
Friday July 4, 2014, 17:14 DST

Thugs from the Jewish Defence League (JDL) turned ugly and violent during a protest outside Palestine House in Mississauga yesterday evening (July 3). The JDL thugs and their hired motorbike gangsters came armed with sticks and banners denouncing the Palestinians.

The Palestinian community mobilized its members to defend their centre, Palestine House when the JDL thugs turned violent. They assaulted the Palestinian youth who valiantly defended themselves against such Zionist criminal conduct.

There was strong police presence and help was sought from members of other police divisions to control the situation but according to eyewitnesses, the police did little to protect the Palestinians from being assaulted. Members of the Palestinian-Canadian community had to fend for themselves.

JDL is banned in the US as a terrorist organization. Even the zionist state of Israel has banned it but this is a sham. The Israeli consulate in Toronto works closely with the JDL thugs that are used as storm troopers...
Given what happened at Palestine House, can we expect the same sort of thing--violence on the part of the Zion-loathing thugs; police indifference--to occur at this year's Al Quds Day "protest" at Queen's Park, an event at which the Crescent's Zafar Bangash is a fixture?

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