Thursday, July 17, 2014

Say It Ain't So, Moh

The Toronto Sun gives far too many column inches to Mo Hashem, "a Canadian-Egyptian journalist." Hashem's having a hissy fit over Canada's unwavering support for Israel. The Jewish state is "supported no matter what it does," he fumes. He's also most upset because of this:
The aggression in the region — both Hamas’ launching of hundreds of rockets into Israel and its use of civilian shields around them, and the blistering Israeli response — has done irreversible damage to the peace process.
The poor "peace process." Blasted all to hell by aggressive Hamas and aggressive Israel. Even-Steven. On the same moral footing. No jihad to see here, folks; no, none at all.

In fact, I doubt that the "peace process" is dead--and more's (or Moh's) the pity. You can engage in endless process--which is what Israel has been compelled to do--but by now everyone including Moh should realize that there is no peace to be had when one side wants to kill all the Jews for Allah's sake, and the other side blows a fat, wet raspberry at Islamic doctrine by insisting that Jews (or as the Koran affectionately refers to them, "apes and pigs") have a right to live in peace in their ancient, ancestral and miniscule homeland.

Process that, Moh.

Update: Moh and Jon lack moral clarity.

Update: David P. Goldman (a.k.a. Spengler) casts doubt on the future of the peace process given that
the central premise of Western diplomacy in the region has been pulled inside-out, namely that a resolution of the Palestinian refugee issue was the key to long-term stability in the Middle East. Now the whole of the surrounding region has become one big refugee crisis. Yet the seemingly spontaneous emergence of irregular armies like the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) now rampaging through northern Mesopotamia should be no surprise. The misnamed Arab Spring of 2011 began with an incipient food crisis in Egypt and a water crisis in Syria. Subsidies from the Gulf States keep Egypt on life support. In Syria and Iraq, though, displaced populations become foraging armies that loot available resources, particularly oil, and divert the proceeds into armaments that allow the irregulars to keep foraging. ISIS is selling $800 million a year of Syrian oil to Turkey, according to one estimate, as well as selling electricity from captured power plants back to the Assad government. On June 11 it seized the Bajii power plant oil refinery in northern Iraq, the country’s largest. 
The region has seen nothing like it since the Mongol invasion of the 13th century...
No need to resolve the Palestinian refugee issue. Most of the "refugees" have now found their way to Mississauga's Palestine House. ;)

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