Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"1,400 Rotherham Girls Raped by Mulituculturalism"

Dennis Prager weighs in on the moral vacuum that enabled a gang of depraved Pakistani sexual predators to operate with impunity for more than a decade and a half.
Why was nothing done for 16 years? 
Police incompetence was a factor, but not the primary reason. 
The primary reason was political correctness. It turns out that the perpetrators were all, or nearly all, of “Pakistani heritage” and the girls were all, or nearly all, white. 
This explanation is not that of conservatives alone. Virtually everyone, including media and politicians on the British left, acknowledge that this is the reason. What neither they nor the American left have acknowledged is that political correctness was created and is sustained by the left. 
It is a testament to the lack of self-awareness on the left that it experiences no cognitive dissonance. The New York Times and other left-wing media have thoroughly reported this story and the fact that political correctness is to blame for the ongoing atrocities against these girls. Yet they are oblivious to the fact that they are the very ones who created the moral monsters known as political correctness, multiculturalism and diversitythe doctrines that forbid judging non-whites, Muslims and others by the same moral standards as whites and Christians
These left-wing doctrines made 16 years of gang rapes of English girls possible.
Exactly. That's because these left-wing doctrines and the those who affirm them hate "white privilege" above all else. It makes 'em feel all warm and virtuous, don't you know. And nothing--not even the rape of the innocent--will wake them up to the hideous reality of what their "diversity" bollocks has wrought.

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