Wednesday, September 10, 2014

FYI: Ontario's Official "Human Rights" Policies/Guidelines Doc Uses the Muslim Brotherhood Definition of "Islamophobia"

While searching for what our province's esteemed "human rights" racket had to say about "white privilege" (I was going to post it as an update to the Dennis Prager post), I was startled to come across this portion of the OHRC's "Policies and Guidelines on Racism and Racial Discrimination":

A contemporary and emerging form of racism in Canada has been termed “Islamophobia.” Islamophobia can be described as stereotypes, bias or acts of hostility towards individual Muslims or followers of Islam in general. In addition to individual acts of intolerance and racial profiling, Islamophobia leads to viewing Muslims as a greater security threat on an institutional, systemic and societal level. 
Actually, "Islamophobia" was invented by the Muslim Brotherhood in order to prevent non-Muslims from saying anything critical about any aspect of Islam, even the really problematic ones. And because of multiculturalism, political correctness and the attendant angst about "white privilege," it seems to be working like a charm. So much so that our "human rights" deities have decided to overlook the term's Islamist provenance and follow it up with a discussion of, you guessed it, Jew-hate:
Jewish Canadians have been subjected to anti-Semitism and legalized discrimination. "None is too many" was the response given by a high level Canadian government official when asked how many Jews should be accepted as immigrants, at the time of the Nazi persecution of Jews.[36] Signs posted along the Toronto beaches stated “No Dogs or Jews Allowed.” Many hotels and resorts had policies prohibiting Jews as guests.[37] There were restrictions on where Jewish persons could live or buy property. In 1951, a Jewish man challenged one such restrictive covenant preventing property from being sold to anyone of “the Jewish, Hebrew, Semitic, Negro or coloured race or blood.” The Supreme Court of Canada declared the covenant void on the basis it was overly broad.[38] 
More recently, immigration policies and practices have been informed by and have contributed to racism in Canada. A discussion of immigration is beyond the scope of this policy[39], however, at various times, Canada’s immigration policies and practices have either directly or indirectly made it easier for some groups (such as northern and western Europeans) and more difficult for racialized groups, to gain entry...
That was then. This is now: thousands of angry Zion-loathers, many of them immigrants from Muslim lands, raging and seething on the grounds of the provincial legislature. You'll read diddlysquat about their bigotry, though, in any of our "human rights" holy writ.

"White privilege," eh? As if.

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