Thursday, September 4, 2014

How Satloff Kept the Faith In the Face of Death

Steven Satloff, the latest ISIS beheading victim, practiced his religion--Judaism--in secret during his year in captivity:
His Jewish faith had been kept secret during captivity but the details can now be made public. His mother Shirley, who explained how she had studied the tenets of Islam when she made her emotional video plea for his life, is the daughter of Holocaust survivors and teaches at a Jewish school in Miami. 
Her son took Israeli citizenship when he studied in the country. 
New York magazine has also added further detail about his subterfuge to observe holy days. 
"Former captives said that he continued observing Jewish holy days and praying while in ISIS custody.  One told a Hebrew-language paper that he fasted on Yom Kippur by pretending to be ill, and prayed toward Jerusalem by observing the direction in which his Muslim captors prayed."
Now we know why ISIS didn't make a big deal about Satloff being a Jew--they never knew he was.


  1. According to Debbie Schlussel Sotloff converted to Islam years ago. Is this true?

  2. I don't know if it's true. However, the same story about him quietly observing Judaism while he was a prisoner is in the Times of Israel:
