Friday, September 5, 2014

Jew-Hate Is Not the Same as "Islamophobia"

Melanie Phillips writes that "Jew-hatred is entirely irrational" while "Islamophobia, by contrast, is very different":
Sure, some people have an irrational dislike of Muslims just as they may irrationally dislike Sikhs or Hindus, or people with black or brown skins.

But Islamophobia is a catch-all phrase used to demonize anyone who makes a legitimate criticism of Islam or Muslims. It is not irrational to fear the murder and terrorism perpetrated in the name of Islam; it is not bigoted to warn against the steady encroachment of Shari’a law or the connections between Islamic charities and terrorist money-laundering in London; it is not demonization to condemn Muslim attacks on women and girls or on freedom of speech. Yet all such opinions are damned as “Islamophobic” in order to silence them.
Exactly. And while so-called Islamophobia is not a threat to Muslims in the West, Muslim Zionhass is a clear and present danger to Jews everywhere:
In France, Muslims have attacked synagogues, torched Jewish shops and kidnapped and murdered Jewish people. Muslims have driven Jews out of Norway and Sweden. In the Netherlands, the chief rabbi’s house has repeatedly been attacked.
Last year, the British Muslim journalist Mehdi Hasan wrote: “Anti-Semitism isn’t just tolerated in some sections of the British Muslim community; it’s routine and commonplace...
As a community, we do have a ‘Jewish problem.’ There is no point pretending otherwise.”
Anti-Semitism is the principal driver of murderous Islamic rage, not just against Jews themselves but against the Western world which Muslims believe the Jews control. It is the core not just of the war against Israel but the jihadi holy war against the West... 

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