Saturday, September 13, 2014

More Baldfaced Stupidity (This Time About Turkey's Loyalty) Spewed by a State Dep't "Gilmore Girl"

One of those Foggy Bottom Gilmore Girls--let's call her Rory, since she's the junior one--says we should not view Turkey's ties to Hamas as an impediment to Artie Erdogan's wholehearted participation in Obama's anti-ISIL effort:
Turkey’s ties to Hamas do not prevent it from serving as an ally in the fight against a different terrorist group — the Islamic State, the US said Friday.
At the daily press briefing in Washington, State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf acknowledged that Ankara had “a relationship with Hamas” but added that this “played a productive role in terms of ceasefire negotiations” between the terrorist group and Israel in the recent Gaza conflict...
She should've stayed in Stars Hollow, chillin' with Luke and Sookie.

That's "Rory" on the right (and "Lorelei" on the left).

1 comment:

  1. No-brainer? Chinese doctors discover 24yo woman with part of brain missing.

    Perhaps not such a rare case after all?
