Monday, October 13, 2014

When "Outreach" Helps Legitimitize Radicalism: A Cautionary Tale

Despite the RCMP repudiation of the "anti-terror" handbook, Muslim groups who helped the Mounties create it are pleased that members of their own community seem to like it. And, hey, what's not to like when the Mounties logo on the cover lends it legitimacy, and the handbook calls upon all to censor some terms that put Islam in a poor light?:
Officials from both Muslim community groups behind the handbook say that it has been well received in the community, according to comments published by the Globe and Mail. 
“We have received enthusiastic support for this initiative from Canadians across the country and countless requests to distribute the handbook in our diverse communities,” the paper quoted Ihsaan Gardee, executive director of the NCCM, and Shahina Siddiqui, president of ISSA, as saying. 
When approached for comment by, the RCMP said it had not agreed to avoid terms such as “jihad.” 
“The RCMP hasn’t issued any guidance or guidelines to other departments, nor has it agreed not to use terms such as ‘Islamist terrorism,’ ‘Islamic extremism,’ or ‘jihad,’” it said in a statement to the news site. 
However, it does not appear that the RCMP raised concerns about the handbook during a 14-month development and review period in which information was shared with all the handbook’s contributors, the Globe and Mail noted. 
Terrorism analyst and reporter Patrick Poole said that this type of confusion is commonplace when authorities in both the United States and Canada have attempted to work with Muslim community organizations.
“This episode of government officials engaged in Islamic outreach only to have it blow back on them shows this is not a uniquely American phenomenon,” Poole said. “Why was it that only after the publication’s release and the public criticism that followed that they withdrew their support?
“Even though they have retracted their endorsement for this publication, their name remains on it, and the initial media blitz tied them to it,” Poole said. “This is exactly how government’s legitimize, even unwittingly, extremist ideology through outreach.” 

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