Thursday, November 6, 2014

Harpoon Siddiqui Applauds Op Leader Thomas Mulcair for His Abject Dhimmitude

The Toronto Star's in-house cheerleader for the Islamist P.O.V. likes the way Tom thinks:
In sharp contrast [to the Harper government], Mulcair criticized the “terrorist” narrative regarding the storming of Parliament. “I don’t think we have enough evidence to use that word. When you look at the history of the individual involved, you see a criminal act,” best left to the police and not cranked up to create a security state at home and wage war abroad, at enormous cost to our civil liberties and also the treasury.  
Asked if the Conservatives were “irresponsible” in using the word terrorism, Mulcair said no, they just had a different point of view. 
“They’ve used the word from the get-go. It was the word that they used immediately before any of this other information was out there and frankly the information that’s now available comforts me in my choice not to use the word terrorism.” 
I'd wager that what's far more comforting is the prospect of his dhimmitude persuading lots and lots of Muslims to vote NDP come election time. (Mulcair or Trudeau winning big--now, that would be a man-caused disaster.)

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