Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Lorne Gunter on Why Jian Ghomeshi's Bad Behaviour Was Tolerated For So Long

The reasons are obvious but should still be itemized:
Ghomeshi was too big. His show brought CBC what it craved most: ratings. And in the largely left-leaning cultural community it didn’t hurt that he was what they think the New Canada should be: hip, multicultural, liberal. 
(It didn’t hurt, either, that Ghomeshi was giving their books, plays, films and concerts lots of publicity, too.) 
So for the sake of their image and their success, the CBC and a lot of literati did what they claim to be so disgusted at the Catholic Church for – turning a blind eye to repeated, alleged sexual abuse.
To recap: he was the Ceeb's biggest star; he epitomized cool; he gave away lots of free stuff; when one of their own is involved, "progressives" are the biggest hypocrites around.

Update: If there's a short list of candidates to replace Ghomeshi, I bet this guy is on it. Alternatively, in an effort to clean house and get rid of the taint, perhaps Ceeb brass will decide to kill off Q.

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