Friday, December 5, 2014

Mark Steyn Explains Why Going the Legal Immigration Route is for Suckers and Fools

He writes:
Anyone who's ever been stuck in the sclerotic dungheap of the "legal" immigration system will raise a mirthless titter at that announcement. As the appalling case of Meriam Ibrahim, sentenced to death for "apostasy" in Sudan and abandoned to her fate by the useless State Department, made plain, even essentially non-discretionary immigration applicants such as the spouses of US citizens take this grotesque dysfunctional bureaucracy years to process. Because that's just the way it is. 
But suddenly, when it's advantageous to King Barack to fast-track a bazillion scofflaws, the torpid immigration bureaucracy rouses itself and opens up the express check-in.
I'm so bored listening to Congressional Republicans explain why it would be grossly imprudent to make either symbolic or substantive objections to this lawlessness - whether refusing the new Sovereign their podium for the State of the Union, or using the power of the purse to defund these new bureaucratic positions. This is a textbook example of what "self-government" has dwindled down to in America - a one-man legislature in the Oval Office making laws on the basis of caprice and political advantage, in alliance with an unelectable, unaccountable Permanent Bureaucracy that knows where its own interests lie.
So much for checks and balances. As he promised, Obama has fundamentally transformed things such that the only checks on his unbalanced way of governing occur when either his wife or Valerie Jarett is miffed at him, and tells him so. Otherwise, he's free to act as capriciously--and as autocratically--as he'd like.

Obama's checks and balances (and balls and chains).

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