Sunday, December 7, 2014

Who's Responsible for Rap Music? Blame It On LBJ

What does "Liberalism" get you (aside from another year older and deeper in debt, that is?). Well, for one thing, writes Greg Richards on the AT site, it gets you rap:
Rap music is authentic.  But authentic of what?  Of unfocused, unpurposed male aggression.  The rap composer / performer is acting out the deconstructed role to which Liberalism, to which welfare, has consigned men in Welfare America.  Compare, for instance, the Dells from the early 1950’s, the Temptations (Motown) from the 1960’s and rap now.  All three are authentic, but the first two have refinement in musicality and in intent, and romance toward a woman. That is gone in rap.  The move from melody and romance to hostility is the soundtrack of Liberalism, of Welfare America.
I'm so unhip that I think authentic music sounds like Sam Cooke (remember him?).

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