Monday, December 1, 2014

Why MSM Reporters Always Seem to Get it Wrong Re Israel

There's an interesting take on the subject in The Atlantic by a former AP reporter. Matti Friedman says that MSM reportage "tells us less about Israel than about the people writing the news."

Very true. And since most of those people are on/of the left, they care more about hewing to the simplistic "progressive"/Islamist narrative--Israel is bad because it stole Palestinian land and victimizes Palestinians; Palestinians are good, blameless underdogs, the victims of thieving, colonialist, interloping Jews--than they do about the truth, "wrong"  will remain the MSM's default setting re Israel.

Update: Hewing to the duplicitous "progressive" narrative, the NYT once again whitewashes Palestinian violence.

Update: AP Covered Up Hamas Attack On Its Own Reporter

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