Monday, September 19, 2016

Obama's Latest Bollocks: It Isn't a Clash of Civilizations. It's a Clash of "Narratives"

In the wake of a wave of terrorist attacks in America, Obama factotum Josh Earnest trotted out this crapola today:
The White House press secretary said Monday the United States is in a "narrative fight, a narrative battle" with the Islamic State terrorist group. Josh Earnest, speaking with CNN host Chris Cuomo about the recent bombings in New York and New Jersey as well as the stabbing attack in Minnesota over the weekend, said the Obama administration has "made progress in debunking" the "mythology" that ISIS represents Islam in a fight against the West.'
"When it comes to ISIL, we are in a fight, a narrative fight, with them, a narrative battle," said Earnest "And what ISIL wants to do is they want to project that they are an organization that is representing Islam in a fight, in a war against the West, in a war against the United States. That is a bankrupt, false narrative. It's a mythology. And we have made progress in debunking that mythology."...
Unfortunately, because they subscribe to this false "narrative" narrative, they have made no headway whatsoever in preventing jihadis from unleashing terror on American infidels. Hence this:
ISIS has taken credit for the stabbing attack at a Minnesota mall on Saturday, which police say was carried out by a 22-year-old Somali immigrant named Dahir A. Adan. The bombings in New York and New Jersey are believed to have been related and perpetrated by a 28-year-old naturalized citizen from Afghanistan, Ahmad Khan Rahami, who remains at large.

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