Sunday, November 20, 2016

"Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East" Applauds Trudeau Government for Refunding UNRWA

Given CJPME's anti-Zionist bent (one shared by Hamas-supporting UNRWA), that's hardly a shockeroo:
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) applauded the move, noting that in recent weeks UNRWA had cut staff and services because of budget shortfalls. 
“The Trudeau government has finally differentiated itself from the [Stephen] Harper government in regards to the Middle East,” CJPME president Thomas Woodley said in a news release.
The Trudeau government has finally shown its true colours, more like. And phooey on it for that.

Update: This is what our dopey Trudeaupian government is supporting:
“Peace starts here” is an ironic slogan for UNRWA to bear. 
Hamas’s openly declared agenda is to violently advance the “right of return” to Arab villages that existed before 1948 provides the energy for  UNRWA employed Hamas educators openly promote “jihad and martyrdom.” , while perpetuating their permanent  refugee status . UNRWA’s teachers, many of whom are residents of the UNRWA refugee camps, are overwhelmingly affiliated with Hamas and its partner, the Islamic Bloc.  The Islamic Bloc monopolizes the UNRWA teachers’ union and ensures a climate of radicalism in all schools, with the goal of convincing students to enroll in Hamas’ military wing subsequent to graduation.  The result is a substantiated education of terror and a culture embedded with Hamas principles and a rising generation of violent radicals.
UNRWA faces serious allegations that they misuse the $1.2 billion given to them by the United Nations[4].  UNRWA employs over 30,000 workers, who are members of the Palestinian community,  and who live in the UNRWA e camps themselves[5].  These employees include the teachers, summer camp counselors, and directors for the local UNRWA schools, where the textbook content emanates from the Palestinian Authority...
Given those serious allegations, this is pretty hilarious. 

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