Tuesday, January 3, 2017

NYT's Anti-Israel Bias on Full Display in Cockamamie Editorial--AND in a Later "Correction"

In the wake of Obama's last minute anti-Israel shenanigans at the UN, an editorial in the New York Times came up with various reason "why Netanyahu will (supposedly) miss Obama." (To which the only sane response is: Bibi will miss Obama--like a hole in the head, like a thorn in his tuches, like the Ayatollah Khamenei would "miss" Israel should he be able to obliterate it via nuclear means.)

According to the editorial, this is one of the things that Netanyahuu will "miss"--and one in which the paper's skewed bias is on prominent display (my bolds):
Or take Mr. Trump’s campaign commitment to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem, satisfying longstanding Israeli calls to recognize an undivided Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state — but also angering Palestinians and Muslims around the world. Like the visit by Ariel Sharon to what Jews call the Temple Mount (and which Muslims call the Noble Sanctuary) in 2000, which prompted the second intifada, moving the embassy is a symbolic step that could have substantial repercussions.
Thus does the New York Times breathe new life into the long-discredited canard that former PM Sharon--and not eliminationist Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat--was responsible for unleashing that bloody Jew-killing campaign.

This isn't the first time the NYT has purveyed this particular fiction. It was flagged by blogger Elder of Ziyon when he read it in the paper's obit for Shimon Peres last September. Here's what was printed at the time:
Mr. Peres, Mr. Rabin and Arafat were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994.

But the era of good feelings did not last. It was shattered in 2000 after a visit by the opposition leader Ariel Sharon to the sacred plaza in Jerusalem known to Jews as the Temple Mount and to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary. The next day, the Israeli police fired on stone-throwing protesters, inaugurating a new round of violence that became known as the second intifada.
Again with the "Noble Sanctuary" stuff. Why, it's almost as if that's how the Obama-besotted New York Times (and Obama) views it, too.

But wait--surely by now the paper's error has been pointed out to it, and the appropriate better-late-than-never correction has been made:
Correction: December 29, 2016
An earlier version of this article misstated Ariel Sharon’s public role at the time of his September 2000 visit to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City. He was leader of Israel’s opposition Likud Party, not prime minister.
Guess not.

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