Saturday, April 17, 2010

Section 13 Uber Alles

Palestine House yobbos are lowering their zippers and tossing coins at Jewish protesters; Salman Hossain, hate-speaker non pareil, has yet to be charged for his 'criminal' utterances; and over in our nation's capital, some Janjaweed wananbes and their machetes who menaced two Carleton U Zionist students remain at large. And yet Bernie Farber still--still!--thinks everything will be copacetic as long as Section 13 remains on the books. As he sweetly tweets his followers (who are these people?):
Canadian Bar Association which has over 35,000 members supports Section 13 of the CHRC
Well, then, state censorship must be a good thing, right? And the fact that this lawyers' group backs it has nothing to do with its members earning good coin off the scummy "human rights" racket. And anyone who suggests otherwise is a bigotted, prejudiced, racist churl who doesn't appreciate all the wonderful things that Queen Censor Jenny Lynch and the other commissars are doing for us.

Update: I posted this in "Comments" but I'm bumping it up to "first class" (so to speak):
I would never say, "First thing we do, let's kill all they lawyers": I'm related to--and admire--far too many of them. However, I do think the legal profession bears more than a little responsibility for the fine "human rights" mess we've gotten ourselves into.
That means you, CBA.


  1. The Canadian Bar Association Likes 2 things:

    1) Big Government

    2) More Laws

    Why? Both mean more work for lawyers.

    That's all this means.

  2. ... not only does the lawyer's group back the Court of Inquisition but so do (cough) "professional" journalists.

    From Captain Numb Nutz Waggy-Finger, who incidentally claims to have coined the phrase"right-wing blogosphere" - (the unadulterated hubris reminds me of Al Gore "inventing" the Internet) comes this little ditty on banning anonymous postings because of those bad, evil, mean people who don't write NICE".

    Oh, and didn't you know that Ann Coulter is an AMERICAN VERSION of Mark Steyn. (beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life here).

  3. Even the CBA acknowledges that there are serious shortcomings with the CHRA, and advocates some badly-needed reforms:

    "The penalty provisions found in subsections 54(1)(c) and (1.1) of the Act should be repealed.

    The Act should be amended to permit cost awards in cases where the Tribunal is of the opinion that a party has abused the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal process.

    The Act should be amended to empower the CHRC to dismiss at an early stage complaints that lack merit or have no reasonable chance for success.

    The Act should be amended to empower the CHRC to decline jurisdiction to address a complaint if the substance of the complaint has been appropriately dealt with pursuant to another Act or proceeding, or another
    proceeding is more appropriate having regard to the nature of the
    allegations and the remedies available in the other proceeding .

    The Act should be amended to provide expressly that the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal may remove a party to a human rights proceeding, if it is demonstrated that the party is not the correct one.

    The Act should stipulate that a party initiating a complaint must be identified to the target of the complaint."

    A positive obligation of isclosure to the target of the complaint should be enunciated in the Act."

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I would never say, "First thing we do, let's kill all they lawyers": I'm related to--and admire--far too many of them. However, I do think the legal profession bears more than a little responsibility for the fine "human rights" mess we've gotten ourselves into.

  6. The Act should be deleted, as well as %50 of all lawyers who make their living chasing whiners...when they're not chasing ambulances.

    The joke about the small-town lawyer having little work until another one moved in is a joke....on us.

  7. Michel Teper, seems the CBA cribbed off B'nai Brith and CJC. Both indicated in their submissions to the justice committee basically the same thing and well before the CBA.
