Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sudan Election Snafu

Sudan just held an "election" but--quel shockeroo--it seems not to have lived up to its hype. AJE has the details:
Sudan's first multi-party elections in 24 years have failed to meet international standards, observers from the US and EU said.
Monitors from the US Carter Centre, run by former US president Jimmy Carter, echoed earlier criticism by the European Union on Saturday in their first official judgements on the poll.

"It is apparent that the elections will fall short of meeting international standards and Sudan's obligations for genuine elections in many respects," a statement from the Carter Centre said.

"Unfortunately, many political rights and freedoms were circumscribed for most of this period, fostering distrust among the political parties.

"Ultimately the success of the elections will depend on whether Sudan's leaders take action to promote lasting democratic transformation."

Earlier, Veronique de Keyser, the head of a 130-member EU observer mission in Sudan, also criticised the poll, saying there had been "significant deficiencies" including logistical problems and intimidation.

She said names were missing from voter registries, election resources were not evenly spread to all parts of the vast country and there were cases of voter intimidation.

"These elections have struggled to reach international standards. They have not reached them all," she said.

"Although these elections paved the way for democratic progress, it is essential that the shortcomings are addressed."..

"Shortcomings," huh? Is that what the EUnuchs and the Carter Centre are calling the jihad these days? Yes, by all means let's address the, er, "shortcomings". But let's first admit that sending EU and Carter Centre folk to oversee these "elections" (remember how the man himself oversaw Hamas's election?) while the heinous Islamists maintain their iron grip over Khartoum (they and their Janjaweed machete-wielders, who are responsible for causing many thousands of permanent and often fatal "shortcomings") merely validates the sham proceedings--and the barbarians in charge.

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