Saturday, July 9, 2011

Pride and Prejudice Prevents Arabs From Moving Forward

It is a truth rarely acknowledged in the Arab/Muslim universe that the Jews have made the most of what they have, while the Arabs...not so much. Salim Mansur writes:
The truth Arabs bitterly deny — irrespective of whether they are motivated by secular-nationalism or religious fundamentalism/Islamism — is without western machinations, Arab independence from non-Arab rule of the Ottoman Turks at the end of the First World War would have been aborted, or much delayed.
The return of Jews to the land connected with their history was as much embedded in the great power rivalries and war of 1914-18 as were Arab claims for independence from alien rule.
Jews accepted a barely tenable portion of what was once the land seeded by their ancestors.
It was an offer first from the British with nearly impossible constraints imposed, and then the UN dividing in November 1947 what remained of Palestine west of the River Jordan after an earlier partition of the greater Palestine by the overlords in London.
Despite the burden of the terrible hand dealt by history, Jews succeeded in making an inspiring success of modern Israel.
Here it needs to be emphasized the territory of the modern Jewish state was for a millennium or more a grossly neglected hinterland of the Islamic empire ruled by Arabs from Damascus, later from Baghdad and followed by Ottoman Turks from Istanbul or Constantinople of the Byzantines.
If Arabs have not fared well, it requires of them to examine their role in the abysmal situation of their own making.
"Their own making"--another truth rarely acknowledged in that universe, for it it far easier (and a lot more comforting) to blame the Jews, say, or Americans for your screw ups than it is to own them, learn from them, and more on. Of course, that's far less likely to occur so long as you have a halleluiah chorus of "virtuous" kafirs to help fight your battles:
Much undeserving coverage has been given to the batch of “useful idiots” who set sail on the so-called Gaza flotilla.
And nothing describes better the political bankruptcy of Arabs than their need to find comfort in the embrace of these useful idiots, a collective of sore losers and guilt-peddlers in the West.
Peddling guilt in the West has a lot in common with peddling carbon credits. They're both huge con games involving credulous lefties in which the product being sold consists of so much hot air.

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