Friday, July 8, 2011

Two More Clueless Multiculti Chicks

If the remorseless Islamization of Canada continues apace--and there is nothing to suggest it won't--it will be because the likes of these two haven't a clue about, well, remorseless Islamization--or Islam:
...TDSB spokesman Shari Schwartz-Maltz confirmed on Thursday that prayer sessions at Valley Park Middle School are “traditional,” where boys and girls are separated.
She said the sessions are supervised by Muslim parents and the Imam.
But to single out Islamic prayer sessions in public schools as patriarchal is unfair, says Annie Kidder, executive director of People for Education.
“You could argue about how women are treated in all religions,” said Kidder. “This is about ensuring kids that they have a place to pray (and) not excluding them ... This is a recognition that we live in a multicultural society.
You could argue that Islamic teachings are inherently and adamantly sexist, but that is a recognition--a truth--that multicultists such as Kidder and Shwartz-Maltz (who was once a mouthpiece for Greenpeace--figures), who refuse to do their homework, would never entertain.

1 comment:

  1. Barbara Hall, Anne Kidder, and Shari Schwartz-Maltz are adults and can choose to be treated like second class citizens. But in their positions of authority they believe they are entitled to designate little Muslim females as second class citizens - on the tax payers' dime. As a taxpayer I did not consent to having girls being discriminated against for the purpose of accommodating a religious code and ideology.
