Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Eco-Freaks Step Into the Breach, Try to Hijack "Human Rights" Mausoleum

If you didn't think a dreadful concept--a museum devoted to, of all things, "human rights"--could get any worse, think again:
If Eco Friends of Canada has its way, dozens of animal and environmental groups from across Canada will converge at the new, luxurious, 260,000 square foot Canadian Museum of Human Rights site in Winnipeg. Their goal will be to synthesize a new, synergistic, 21st century global economy.

Given the recent decision to withdraw from the Kyoto Accord, a project of this scope and magnitude would reaffirm Canada's commitment to preserving Earth’s ecosystem. This project will also address the systemic failure of our obsolete, 20th century zero-sum global economy. Press Release - Feb 19, 2012 - EFC has contacted various organizations and individuals across Canada and asked them what they would like to see and/or be in this epicentre of animal and environmental stewardship. Those who are invited to join the consortium will feature the best of the best with expertise in specific fields of study.

The plan is to bring these diverse groups and individuals together under one roof to create synergy that will fuel a sustainable, green and vibrant economy in the 21st century. Among the invitees are the Assembly of First Nations, high-profile nature guru Dr. David Suzuki, Earthsave Canada, PETA, the Humane Society, Ducks Unlimited, pet breeders, earth-friendly energy & technology researchers, plus various other groups that 20th century thinkers would not immediately associate with ecology or economics. Avant garde doesn’t begin to describe the syntheses that will take place here once Ottawa gives the official green light to this project. 

It is EFC’s desire to relocate the cash-strapped Canadian Museum for Human Rights project to the expanding Winnipeg Convention Centre so that construction at the Forks National Historic Site can resume as soon as possible. The CMHR will cease operations at the end of this fiscal year, March 31, 2012, and has already begun to scale back their project. Their tentative goal is to feature a Holocaust exhibit in 2014 and begin indoctrinating students through their national student travel program. The expansion at the Winnipeg Convention Centre should be completed by early 2015...
Looks like the mausoleum won't only be a place where "human rights" go to die. It will become a magnet for every nutty, utopian, tree-hugging, Suzuki-loving, crypto-Marxist, Turtle Island PETA loony in the land. Let's all pray the Harper government has the sense to tell these, er, "environmental stewards," to find some other vessel to hijack.

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