Tuesday, April 9, 2013

How Are Those Sharia Courts Working Out For You, British Muslim Chicks?

As per a documentary to air on the Beeb, not so well, not so surprisingly:
The BBC is set to broadcast Monday, April 8, a documentary about Shari`ah courts in Britain and problems faced by Muslim women. 
In the program, Dr Hassan is shown trying to solve marital disputes between Muslim husbands and wives. 
In a small terraced house in east London, a woman and her husband, who asked for anonymity, argue about their marital problems. 
She accuses him of refusing to work, ignoring the children and verbally abusing her, claims denied by the husband. 
When Dr Hasan orders the husband to leave the room, the woman breaks down in tears.
"I hate him, I can't even bear to look at him, he has ruined my life," she sobs. 
Trying to save the marriage, Dr Hasan tells the wife to give her husband one more month to try and reconcile, with the help of Allah. 
The documentary goes on to show a reporter who posed as a woman seeking a divorce from her violent husband. 
“I think that you should be courageous enough to ask this question to him. Just tell me why you are so upset, huh? Is it because of my cooking? Is it because I see my friends, huh? So I can ­correct myself,” he asked her. 
The guised reporter is also warned that taking the issue of violence to the police would harm their marriage. 
“You involve the police if he hits you but you must understand this will be the final blow,” the scholar advises the reporter. 
“You will have to leave the house. Where will you go then? A refuge? A refuge is a very bad option. Women are not happy in such places.” 
Dr Hasan goes on to suggest counseling. 
“Don’t think about the police because if the police is involved then think, your family life is going to break.” 
In Islam, marriage is a sacred bond that brings together a man and a woman by virtue of the teachings of the Qur'an and the Sunnah.
As I wrote in "Sharia," my parody of West Side Story's "Maria", back when then-Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty was considering whether or not to institute sharia courts for domestic matters:

Sharia--shall I pass some laws called sharia?
Incredibly unfair
Some Muslim women swear
To me.
Sharia--a system of laws called sharia.
Their Allah's so they rock.
Man-made are just a crock, you see.
If you're Muslim and male it's aces.
If you're not, best to find other places....

Too bad for Muslim British chicks that there's nowhere else to go.

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