Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Lars Hedegaard: We Blew It When We Capitulated to the Supremacist Wackjobs During L'Affaire Rushdie

Of course, speaking to a Daily Caller interviewer, the blasphemer/free speech champion said it much more elegantly than that. Commenting on the interview, Diana West writes:
 By acquiescing, by negotiating, by determining that in response to this untenable outrage of a "fatwa" against Rushdie, this "free" British citizen would hereon live as a prisoner inside the "free" West, the great Western powers acquiesced to the sancitity (sic), the relevance, and the dominion of Islamic blasphemy law. This is why, as Lars points out, the Muslim powers-that-be, along with their Muslim gun- or axe-wielding foot soldiers, continue to believe they have the right to implement sharia blasphemy laws against rebels such as he. With each Free-World killing or attempted killing (or protest or boycott or death threats), with our every acquiescence to this new "normal," the lingering fear factor further chills public discourse, further enforces Islamic blasphemy law, further paralyzes political action to reject Islamic law. To "blaspheme" in Islam is to commit a capital crime according to Islam's law, as we discovered in the Rushdie affair. But it now treated as a crime or, at least, a grave, beyond-the-pale offense in the West. 
Such is the advanced state of our dhimmitude.

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