Sunday, July 7, 2013

All In All It'd Be Better If He Went Sailing

John Kerry is speeding back to the most fraught location in the Middle East.

Just kidding. He's heading back to Israel for another feckless round of "peace-making" :
US Secretary of State John Kerry is to return to the Middle East later this week to resume efforts to draw Israel and the Palestinians back into direct negotiations, reports said on Sunday. 
According to the top-selling Yediot Aharonot daily and the left-leaning Haaretz, Kerry was to arrive in Israel towards the end of the week on what would be his sixth visit to the region in as many months
On his previous visit, a four-day trip which ended on June 30, Kerry held hours and hours of intensive talks with both sides in a mission which he said had achieved "real progress." 
But the Palestinians said there had been "no breakthrough" that could lead to a resumption of direct negotiations following a hiatus of nearly three years...
The breakthrough would be if they could get Kerry to stay on his sailboat.

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