Sunday, July 7, 2013

Crazy Pride

Nutters have rights/are damn proud of their victim group identity, too!:
Historically, Mad Pride Toronto festival has been closely associated with the west end of the downtown and Parkdale in particular, but this year it’s hard to miss that the listing of Mad Pride events have migrated, largely, to the east end of Toronto’s downtown.  
Jeremiah Bach, with the Mad Pride Toronto Organizing Committee, said the shift is simply a case of spreading the annual event out across the city and not an exodus from the west end.  
“There have always been psychiatric survivors all over the City of Toronto whether it is Regent Park, St. James Town or any place between and we are looking to recognize that,” Bach said. “There are many communities of psychiatric survivors and mad people across the city so we wanted to give them a voice and a chance to participate.”   
Mad Pride, A Celebration of Madness, is an annual weeklong festival that is about remembering and participating in mad history, challenging discrimination, advocating for rights, affirming mad identities, developing and empowering mad communities and having fun...
The funny thing is that, compared to some of folks you see marching in that other pride parade, the Mad crowd looks completely sane.

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